Biyernes, Pebrero 24, 2012

Anonymously Popular.

To be honest, I never really had time for blogs. I'm not an expert on time management so most of the times, I would internally kill myself for not prioritizing things that should matter. I started this blog because of an English Project. Well, I found out that blogging wasn't particularly bad at all, things considered. So whenever I find time, I would post a random thing here.

And I'm personally aware that I'm the only one reading my posts. I don't know what to make of that, really. I mean, I pretty much like Tumblr but I'm basically a nobody there.

What does it feel to be anonymously popular? I mean, I know bloggers that was being herded by their readers, even though they were just talking about their ordinary lives. I know Tumblr famous people who can have 1,000 notes on their post after half an hour of doing it. How does that exactly feel? They don't go to premiere nights, and they don't go posing on magazine covers or something, yet they are famous. And most of them, chooses to be anonymous online. Of course, people don't actually stop at their tracks if these people walk by. They probably are behind us at the grocery counter, and yet they appear so simple you wouldn't think that their every post on Tumblr is being envied of.

I bet it's not the same thing being popular in front of those cameras, and being popular online. I guess I'm neither of the two right now, but I'm absolutely dreaming of the latter. Especially on Tumblr.

How hard can I get before achieving this? I absolutely have no idea.

Martes, Disyembre 20, 2011

Finnick Odair.

Okay. This post is dedicated to the novel that cut my tear glands up and sent those salty water out of my system. And i'm not talking about one of those kind of novels. I was exactly talking about the ONLY novel.


The whole Hunger Games Trilogy revolved around the fact that people die and we can't do anything about it. No matter how special they are, or how lovable, or how they're also protagonists in some way-they die. They freaking die under the imagination of this brutal, violent, yet strikingly awesome author under the name of Suzanne Collins. So, the Mockingjay was the last of the three books. The whole group of rebels, the main cast of the story, is at war and they somehow got chased on the whole entire city by the Peacemakers or the Police, in normal terms. They made their way down the sewer system of the city, and decided to reach the antagonist's mansion through there, underground. So, Katniss, the heroine of the story, leads the whole troop. After some long hours of trekking that slimy, dark, and stinking pipes, they decided to rest. After some time, she heard some hisses. After a few more of that, she realized that it was her freaking name. So, she wakes up everybody and decided to run. Two of them decided to be left behind to buy some time. And as y'all know, when people volunteer to leave them behind, they might as well making their death wish, only in a more heroic way. But, those two wasn't enough. Those hissing mutants came closer and closer, until they almost got her. This Pollux guided them to a ladder up to the streets again, and so I though, YES. They're freaking safe. But, after some narrating, Katniss noticed that Gale, her best friend, and Finnick, my fictional husband, wasn't among the ones who were safe. She peered down and pulled Gale, his neck bleeding like crazy. Katniss tried to pull someone, anyone out. But Gale stopped her saying that there's no one left even though Katniss can hear a human cry. When she peered down again, she saw three of those hissing monsters, yanking Finnick's body. And my awesome Finnick, is still conscious trying to defend himself . Then, one of those monsters bent down for the death blow. Katniss sort of had a connection with Finnick at that time, and she was the one who saw the whole life of Finnick, flashing back.


Finnick died in the manner of a brutal slaughter. Like really, Collins. You've killed Cinna already. Can you spare this handsome, seagreen-eyed hottie for me? I was like, WHY, OH WHY, DID THIS PERFECT MAN HAVE OT DIE?? WWWWHHHHHHHYYYYY?????
There would absolutely be no difference! My sister went downstairs to see me crying in front of the computer screen as I was reading a PDF version of it.She didn't mind, though.

But the point is, Finnick Odair died in the arms of those hissing monsters. Honestly, you wouldn't have any idea how gorgeous he is if you haven't read the book. So here's the deal: Freaking try to read the books first, then judge me if I'm way too dramatic by Finnick's death. I don't care if he loves Annie. I care, okay? I care enough to cry for him. WAY TOO INVOLVED, in this book I was. Yes, I cried for some fictional character that was supposed to be alive some time in the future. But, come on, I read those books, reveling at the things that he did.

I'd rather have Gale died, than him. Because if Gale died, then Katniss would be hurt but there's Peeta to keep her whole. But if my Finnick die, who would keep Annie whole? Who would keep her sane? Or me for that matter, how, Oh how, will I be able to react to the movie if he did die? I cannot. The books were already harsh in my imagination. How will I be able to get through the movie version?

Oh, Finnick. You'll still be alive in my heart, though. Finnick.

I'm seriously back.

Okay, it's been such a long time, and I mean really long. But, seeing as my last post needed a conclusion, let me say the ending...

Is it such a bad thing to expect? I don't think so. I mean, you seriously can't go on in this life without those expectations, right? So, there you go. I kinda got my hopes up as high as those skyscraper things so when it didn't happen, I fell back to the ground unable to do anything about it. There you go. Yes, my dream was being the champion because I have some reputation that I have to earn. But then, life doesn't always give you what you want. So, I lost. I came up 1st Runner-Up and to most people, they said that I seriously did fine. But after the contest, I cried and was still in a painful stupor. Do I look like I seriously did fine? Like, really. I was in a bad shape and not even Krispy Kreme and Starbuck's can tune up my depressed mood.

So yeah. I really, seriously broke down. Like, come on, girl, get your bearings fixed. Well, thankfully, God helped me get better. He was there making me understand that it wasn't such a bad thing, after all. So yeah, my bitterness stayed etched inside my heart for a while there, but time healed everything. The event that got me down to my feet helped me got up again, and a lot closer to God. Our relationship hit some rough patch a few times, but somehow, repair was on its way.

 Which is really a good thing since I can't go on in this life without His hand guiding me all along.
So there you go, the conclusion of this story ends here.

Huwebes, Nobyembre 10, 2011

When my world BROKE DOWN.

I really don't know how to start right now. The only thing that I want is to tell the whole story. I just wanted to tell what I really feel, no one interfering, no one commenting. Okay, here I go.

November 10, 2011. My big Oratorical Contest. Actually, being the person to represent my school, is already such a great honor for me. Especially when the previous contestant for this contest made her thrilling way to the National Competition. She may not have won any place on the Nationals, but it's still a great achievement. I mean, what are the chances that you get to be in the Top 12 of the whole country? That is not a joke, anyway you see it. So there, it's very flattering that my English Teacher, who also stood as my mentor, chose me to follow those big steps. But the pressure, on the other hand, is overwhelming. I can't afford to disappoint anyone, myself included.

My practices went on. My mentor exposed me to speak not only to my classmates, but also to the other students in my school. I drank that awful ginger tea to improve my voice. I didn't dare drink anything cold for a long period of time. My feet hurt because I'm always standing. But I didn't really feel any hardships of very big consequences. Because, you see, I loved what I'm doing. I reveled the fact that I get to do what my forte is. I was emerged on my element. Well, you know, the preparations, and all, they slowly lead to that big day.

I woke up early and thankful because after my dad prayed for me that morning, together with my mom, he took me to school and waited there with me until my mentor and my awesome classmate, who woke up early and do my make-up, arrive. Well, to make the story short, we arrived on the venue. This is it.

We waited in a very cold room, adoring my business suit the whole time because my coat provided enough warm. I couldn't afford to catch an irritating cold. Well, I was Contestant No. 1 and so I was up first for the interview with the Board of Judges. The interview went okay, I hope I looked open and inviting to them. I smiled as naturally as I can and I  hope I answered their questions in a dignified yet respectable way. But really, I was honest with everything that I said. After that, we took our lunch then proceeded to the auditorium where the contest was going to take place. Before that, I get to have a short time with three of my friends, grateful for their support. Our school principal was there together with our English Coordinator. Whew. No pressure. Calm down. GOD'S GOT THIS., I thought.

I stood up there, delivering a small prayer before I start then faces the crowd...


Lunes, Oktubre 31, 2011

Seeing it MY WAY...

Okay, here's what happened: I'll cut the shortcuts and proceed to the detailed happenings of my recent life happening.

I was browsing posts on Tumblr when I saw my classmate message my other classmate. An insignificant message, though but I now finally found out the url of my classmate. It's been a complicated one so I haven't succeeded on my previous tries of locating it.
Anyway, I typed the url and then, I started browsing her posts. After a few pages, I saw her post about what happened that day. She was my groupmate on my Economics project and so far, she hasn't done anything. Come on, it's a business proposal and all that, of course it's hard to do!
There were maths, and computations, and all the in-betweens. So, obviously, we needed her help. We've spent a lot of time finishing it without her and her shadow on sight. Still, we did that. Without her significant help.
The day before the passing, one of my groupmates made her type the drafts and make the Sales Projections. She finally said yes. And take note that she didn't come to us for her part. We came to her. Might as well include her in the grade or something.

Well, we did the other things that were still left unfinished.

---The Next Day---

She didn't come to school because she caught a fever. Well, she delivered her finished work and yeah, we put  up with it even though her Sales Projections was just copy-pasted from the internet, not even bothering to change the company's name. So yeah, it was fine with me. She did help a little bit.
But last night, I couldn't help letting out my feelings. Had she done something on our project? Had she put on her full efforts in it? Had she slept late because she had so many things to type, or edit? Had she spent her free time on her classmates' house instead of just resting?

NO. She wasn't there when all of us were. And now there she was saying that she had so much work to do and she was sick and their ink was very expensive and all. There she was cursing all the way down to her last scene of events when she wasn't there when we passed it. To top it all off, she posted my exact words on Tumblr making me the bad guy of her story. Yet, here I sat in front of my computer screen, letting the steam come off silently.
How in the world did she found out our side comments and complaints?
All because of a mouth who could never stop talking about someone else's life. I knew her attitude ever since we met but I wasn't this irritated. If she had kept her mouth shut, nobody would have problems.

Well, hey, I'm not perfect. My patience runs a little dry at times. I had to say that she had a perspective that I can't accept.


What was I thinking? She is my friend. I laughed with her, I shared my moments with her, I went out with her, I cried with her, I imagined crazy scenes with  her. We once had a beautiful relationship. But it just ended. And I don't know how it really did. We just sort of drifted away from each other. Now, I could only make fancy conversations with her. We weren't what we were before.

As I sit here longer, I began to see her own way. Yes, I understood her, alright.
I was mad at her because of all the things that she said, I had the opposite way. Because of all the things that she wrote down, I had my own perspective of things. I hated her because she didn't see the whole story the way I wanted it to be seen.

Well, in the end, the bottomline was that, IT WASN'T MY FAULT. IT WASN'T HERS, EITHER.
This whole issue is that people are people. We have issues. We have different point of views. We have differences. That's what makes up life. Because if God hard-wired us the same traits, genes, and way of thinking, I don't think He build humanity after all.

Nobody had to say sorry, I understood her. And through that, I understood my part, too.

* I just wished that she tried understanding our part, too because I made myself see her perspective clearly. And one more thing, I just wished that she used a clean language.

----The END----

Seeing it MY WAY...

Okay, here's what happened: I'll cut the shortcuts and proceed to the detailed happenings of my recent life happening.

I was browsing posts on Tumblr when I saw my classmate message my other classmate. An insignificant message, though but I now finally found out the url of my classmate. It's been a complicated one so I haven't succeeded on my previous tries of locating it.
Anyway, I typed the url and then, I started browsing her posts. After a few pages, I saw her post about what happened that day. She was my groupmate on my Economics project and so far, she hasn't done anything. Come on, it's a business proposal and all that, of course it's hard to do!
There were maths, and computations, and all the in-betweens. So, obviously, we needed her help. We've spent a lot of time finishing it without her and her shadow on sight. Still, we did that. Without her significant help.
The day before the passing, one of my groupmates made her type the drafts and make the Sales Projections. She finally said yes. And take note that she didn't come to us for her part. We came to her. Might as well include her in the grade or something.

Well, we did the other things that were still left unfinished.

---The Next Day---

She didn't come to school because she caught a fever. Well, she delivered her finished work and yeah, we put  up with it even though her Sales Projections was just copy-pasted from the internet, not even bothering to change the company's name. So yeah, it was fine with me. She did help a little bit.
But last night, I couldn't help letting out my feelings. Had she done something on our project? Had she put on her full efforts in it? Had she slept late because she had so many things to type, or edit? Had she spent her free time on her classmates' house instead of just resting?

NO. She wasn't there when all of us were. And now there she was saying that she had so much work to do and she was sick and their ink was very expensive and all. There she was cursing all the way down to her last scene of events when she wasn't there when we passed it. To top it all off, she posted my exact words on Tumblr making me the bad guy of her story. Yet, here I sat in front of my computer screen, letting the steam come off silently.
How in the world did she found out our side comments and complaints?
All because of a mouth who could never stop talking about someone else's life. I knew her attitude ever since we met but I wasn't this irritated. If she had kept her mouth shut, nobody would have problems.

Well, hey, I'm not perfect. My patience runs a little dry at times. I had to say that she had a perspective that I can't accept.


What was I thinking? She is my friend. I laughed with her, I shared my moments with her, I went out with her, I cried with her, I imagined crazy scenes with  her. We once had a beautiful relationship. But it just ended. And I don't know how it really did. We just sort of drifted away from each other. Now, I could only make fancy conversations with her. We weren't what we were before.

As I sit here longer, I began to see her own way. Yes, I understood her, alright.
I was mad at her because of all the things that she said, I had the opposite way. Because of all the things that she wrote down, I had my own perspective of things. I hated her because she didn't see the whole story the way I wanted it to be seen.

Well, in the end, the bottomline was that, IT WASN'T MY FAULT. IT WASN'T HERS, EITHER.
This whole issue is that people are people. We have issues. We have different point of views. We have differences. That's what makes up life. Because if God hard-wired us the same traits, genes, and way of thinking, I don't think He build humanity after all.

Nobody had to say sorry, I understood her. And through that, I understood my part, too.

* I just wished that she tried understanding our part, too because I made myself see her perspective clearly. And one more thing, I just wished that she used a clean language.

----The END----

Seeing it MY WAY...

Okay, here's what happened: I'll cut the shortcuts and proceed to the detailed happenings of my recent life happening.

I was browsing posts on Tumblr when I saw my classmate message my other classmate. An insignificant message, though but I now finally found out the url of my classmate. It's been a complicated one so I haven't succeeded on my previous tries of locating it.
Anyway, I typed the url and then, I started browsing her posts. After a few pages, I saw her post about what happened that day. She was my groupmate on my Economics project and so far, she hasn't done anything. Come on, it's a business proposal and all that, of course it's hard to do!
There were maths, and computations, and all the in-betweens. So, obviously, we needed her help. We've spent a lot of time finishing it without her and her shadow on sight. Still, we did that. Without her significant help.
The day before the passing, one of my groupmates made her type the drafts and make the Sales Projections. She finally said yes. And take note that she didn't come to us for her part. We came to her. Might as well include her in the grade or something.

Well, we did the other things that were still left unfinished.

---The Next Day---

She didn't come to school because she caught a fever. Well, she delivered her finished work and yeah, we put  up with it even though her Sales Projections was just copy-pasted from the internet, not even bothering to change the company's name. So yeah, it was fine with me. She did help a little bit.
But last night, I couldn't help letting out my feelings. Had she done something on our project? Had she put on her full efforts in it? Had she slept late because she had so many things to type, or edit? Had she spent her free time on her classmates' house instead of just resting?

NO. She wasn't there when all of us were. And now there she was saying that she had so much work to do and she was sick and their ink was very expensive and all. There she was cursing all the way down to her last scene of events when she wasn't there when we passed it. To top it all off, she posted my exact words on Tumblr making me the bad guy of her story. Yet, here I sat in front of my computer screen, letting the steam come off silently.
How in the world did she found out our side comments and complaints?
All because of a mouth who could never stop talking about someone else's life. I knew her attitude ever since we met but I wasn't this irritated. If she had kept her mouth shut, nobody would have problems.

Well, hey, I'm not perfect. My patience runs a little dry at times. I had to say that she had a perspective that I can't accept.


What was I thinking? She is my friend. I laughed with her, I shared my moments with her, I went out with her, I cried with her, I imagined crazy scenes with  her. We once had a beautiful relationship. But it just ended. And I don't know how it really did. We just sort of drifted away from each other. Now, I could only make fancy conversations with her. We weren't what we were before.

As I sit here longer, I began to see her own way. Yes, I understood her, alright.
I was mad at her because of all the things that she said, I had the opposite way. Because of all the things that she wrote down, I had my own perspective of things. I hated her because she didn't see the whole story the way I wanted it to be seen.

Well, in the end, the bottomline was that, IT WASN'T MY FAULT. IT WASN'T HERS, EITHER.
This whole issue is that people are people. We have issues. We have different point of views. We have differences. That's what makes up life. Because if God hard-wired us the same traits, genes, and way of thinking, I don't think He build humanity after all.

Nobody had to say sorry, I understood her. And through that, I understood my part, too.

* I just wished that she tried understanding our part, too because I made myself see her perspective clearly. And one more thing, I just wished that she used a clean language.

----The END----